


Ricardo da Silva Torres
Department of ICT and Natural Sciences
Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU)

Author / Image caption


Urban developments are growing, and related design has evolved by putting human needs and interests first. In order to develop in a sustainable way, we urgently need to balance our needs with the needs of nature. Education and policymaking play crucial roles in providing balance for responsible practices, however, concrete data and knowledge are necessary to inform policy development. In this broader context, one focus area particularly relevant in Nordic countries is the use of electric light in after-dark outdoor environments and the impact it has on flora, fauna, energy use, and human behaviour and well-being. 

NorDark (Unconventional methods to inform sustainable design: Mediating the needs of people and nature in Nordic after-dark environments) is a multidisciplinary research project that aims to provide knowledge for the design of light infrastructure in green urban areas in after-dark conditions, considering human needs and minimizing the negative impacts on wildlife.


  • support the development of sustainable lighting and related policies for urban green areas after-dark
  • develop solutions that minimize energy use, light pollution, and negative impacts on local wildlife
  • support and enable pedestrian use of urban green areas after-dark
  • foster awareness about the interaction between humans and wildlife in urban lighting conditions


  • develop new research-driven, evidence-based knowledge
  • bring relevant disciplines together – design, technology, psychology, ecology – in a joint research project
  • collaborate with industry organizations and municipalities

NordForsk funds the Nordark consortium project with co-funding from the Swedish Energy Agency.



Project details

Duration: 2021 – 2025

Funding: NordForsk

More information:


  • Leplat, L., da Silva Torres, R., Aspen, D. and Amundsen, A. (2022), GENOR: A Generic Platform For Indicator Assessment In City Planning, in ‘Proceedings of the 36th ECMS International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, ECMS 2022, Ålesund, Norway, May 30 – June 3, 2022’, European Council for Modeling and Simulation, pp. 245-253.
  • Hassan, M. U., Angelaki, S., Alfaro, C. V. L., Major, P., Styve, A., Alaliyat, S. A.-A., Hameed, I. A., Besenecker, U. and da Silva Torres, R. (2022), Digital Twins For Lighting Analysis: Literature Review, Challenges, And Research Opportunities, in ‘Proceedings of the 36th ECMS International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, ECMS 2022, Ålesund, Norway, May 30 – June 3, 2022’, European Council for Modeling and Simulation, , pp. 226-235.
  • Leplat, L., da Silva Torres, R., Aspen, D. and Amundsen, A. (2022), VIZPLAN: A Visual Analytics Platform for the assessment of multidimensional indicators over time, in ‘7th Smart Data and Smart Cities (SDSC) Conference’, pp. 127-134.
  • Hu, Z., Hasan, A. and da Silva Torres, R. (2023), Digital Twins For Topology Density Map Analysis, in Enrico Vicario and Romeo Bandinelli and Virginia Fani and Michele Mastroianni, ed., ‘Proceedings of the 37th ECMS International Conference on Modelling and Simulation, ECMS 2023, Florence, Italy, June 20-23, 2023’, European Council for Modeling and Simulation, pp. 162-169.